Q: Who do I contact if I have a complaint?

A: You may contact Chief Cory Buck by email at cbuck@shallowatertx.us

Q: Can I burn in the city?

A: No, you can not have a fire in the city except for approved fireplaces or fires used for human food consumption.

Q: Can I have a controlled burn in the county?

A: Yes, you may have a controlled burn in the county by following these rules:  you must call the Lubbock County Sheriff's Office (806) 767-1441 and report your burn prior to starting, don't burn after dark, only burn natural products, and wind speeds may not be over 25mph.

Q: Why do I see Shallowater Fire equipment outside of the city? 

A: The Shallowater Fire Department responds throughout the Lubbock County area.  All of the fire departments in Lubbock County have Automatic and Mutual Aid agreements, which allows them to handle emergencies as volunteer fire departments.  

Q: How can I schedule the fire department to come to my school or to have a station tour?

A: To schedule these events contact Chief Cory Buck by email at cbuck@shallowatertx.us

​Q: How can I get a fire report?

​A: Contact the Shallowater City Hall during regular business hours for a fire report.  Fire reports cost $5.  You will need to know the date, time, and address of the incident.

​Q: How can I donate to the fire department?

A: There are a couple of ways to donate to the fire department.  The first being a monetary donation to The Shallowater Fire Department Auxiliary.  The Auxiliary works hand in hand with the fire department to help provide equipment needs.  The second way is to become a volunteer firefighter or Auxiliary member. To make monetary donations see our Paypal link on the home page or you may contact the SFDA at SFDA@shallowaterfire.com.

​Q: Can I get help with smoke detectors for my house?

A: Yes, Contact Chief Cory Buck by email at cbuck@shallowatertx.us.

​Q: What should I do when I see an emergency vehicle with lights and sirens on?

A: Following Texas motor vehicle laws you should pull to the far right and stop until the emergency vehicle passes.  Do not follow behind an emergency vehicle.  Keep back 500 feet.

Q: What kind of fire extinguisher is best for my house?

A: The best fire extinguisher for you home is a multipurpose extinguisher with a 2A-10BC rating as a minimum.

Q: What are the qualifications to become a member of the fire department?

A: Be a citizen of the United States.

    Be 18 years of age or older.

    Be of good moral character

    Cannot be on probation or have been convicted of a criminal offense above a Class C misdemeanor in the last 2 years.  

    Cannot be on probation or have been convicted of a criminal offense above a Class A misdemeanor in the last 5 years.

    Cannot have been convicted of a felony offense.

    Have a valid drivers license not in jeopardy of suspension. 

​    Be covered by a current motor vehicle insurance policy.

​    No drivers license suspension in the last 2 years, or conviction of 3 moving violations in the past 12 months, and no conviction of 6 moving violations in the past 24 months.

Frequently Asked Questions